Graphics Systems and Models: Graphics system, Images, Physical and Synthetic, Imaging system, Synthetic camera model, Programming interface, Graphics architectures, Programmable pipelines, Performance characteristics.
Graphics Programming: Programming two-dimensional applications, Open GLAPI, Primitives and attributes, Color, Viewing and Control functions.
Input and Interaction: Input devices, Clients and Servers, Display lists, Display lists and modeling, Programming event-driven input, Picking, Building interactive models, Animating interactive programs and Logic operations.
Geometric Objects: Three-dimensional primitives, Coordinate systems and frames, Frames in OpenGL, Modeling colored cube.
Transformations: Affine transformations, Transformations in homogeneous coordinates, Concatenation of transformations, OpenGL transformation matrices.
Viewing: Classical and Computer views, Viewing with a computer, Positioning of the camera, Simple projections, Projections in OpenGL, Hidden surface removal, Parallelprojection matrices, Perspective-projection matrices.
Lighting and Shading: Light sources, the Phong lighting model, Computationalvectors, Polygonal shading, Light
sources in OpenGL, Specification of matrices in OpenGL, Global illumination.
FromVerticestoFrames: Basic implementation strategies, Line-segment clipping, Polygonclipping, Clipping of other primitives, Clipping in three dimensions, Rasterization, Bresenham’salgorithm, Polygon Rasterization, Hiddensurface removal, Anti-aliasing, Display considerations.
Modeling & Hierarchy: Hierarchal models, Trees and traversal, Use of tree at a structure, Animation, Graphical objects, Scene graphs and Simple scene graph API, Open Scene Graph, Other tree structures.
Curves & Surfaces: Representation of curves and surfaces, Design criteria, Bezier curves and surfaces, Cubic B-splines, General B-splines, Rendering curves and surfaces, Curves and surfaces in OpenGL.
Suggested Reading:
1. Edward Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL, Pearson Education,5th edition, 2009
2. Francis S Hill Jr., Stephen M Kelley, Computer Graphics using OpenGL, Prentice-HallInc., 3rdedition, 2007
3. JimX.Chen, Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming using JOGL and Java3D, Springer Verlag, 2006
4. Hearn Donald, Pauline MBaker, Computer Graphics, 2ndedition,1995