Interaction Paradigms: Computing Environments, Analysing Interaction Paradigms, Interaction Paradigms
Interaction Frameworks and Styles: Frameworks for Understanding Interaction, Coping with Complexity,
Interaction Styles.
Interaction Design Process: Iterative Design, User-centred Design, Interaction Design Models, Overview
of Interaction Design Models
Discovery: Discovery Phase Framework, Collection, Interpretation, Documentation
Design: Conceptual Design, Physical Design, Evaluation, Interface Design Standards, Designing the Facets
of the Interface.
Design Principles: Principles of Interaction Design, Comprehensibility, Learnability,
Effectiveness/Usefulness, Efficiency/Usability, Grouping, Stimulus Intensity, Proportion, Screen
Complexity, Resolution/Closure, Usability Goals
Interaction Design Models: Model Human Processor, Keyboard Level Model, GOMS, Modelling
Structure, Modelling Dynamics, Physical Models
Usability Testing: Usability, Usability Test, Design the Test, prepare for the Test, Perform the Test, Process
the Data
Interface Components: The WIMP Interface, Other Components
Icons: Human Issues Concerning Icons, Using Icons in Interaction Design, Technical Issues Concerning
Colour: The Human Perceptual System, Using Colour in Interaction Design, Colour Concerns for
Interaction Design, Technical Issues Concerning Colour
Text: Human Issues Concerning Text, Using Text in Interaction Design, Technical Issues Concerning Text
Speech and Hearing: The Human Perceptual System, Using Sound in Interaction Design, Technical Issues
Concerning Sound
Touch and Movement: The Human Perceptual System, Using Haptics in Interaction Design, Technical
Issues Concerning Haptics.
Suggested Readings:
1. Steven Heim, The Resonant Interface: HCI Foundations for Interaction Design, Addison-Wesley,
2. J. Preece, Y. Rogers, and H. Sharp, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction,
Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2007
3. Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-
Computer Interaction, Addison-Wesley, 5thEdition, 2009.