Introduction to Internet of Things: IOT vision, Strategic research and innovation directions, IoT
Applications, Related future technologies, Infrastructure, Networks and communications, Processes, Data
Management, Security, Device level energy issues.
Internet Principles and communication technology: Internet Communications: An Overview – IP, TCP,
IP protocol Suite, UDP. IP addresses – DNS, Static and Dynamic IP addresses, MAC Addresses, TCP and
UDP Ports, Application Layer Protocols – HTTP, HTTPS, Cost Vs Ease of Production, Prototypes and
Production, Open Source Vs Closed Source.
Prototyping and programming for IoT: Prototyping Embedded Devices – Sensors, Actuators,
Microcontrollers, SoC, Choosing a platform, Prototyping Hardware platforms – Arduino, Raspberry Pi.
Prototyping the physical design – Laser Cutting, 3D printing, CNC Milling.
Techniques for writing embedded C code: Integer data types in C, Manipulating bits – AND, OR, XOR,
NOT, Reading and writing from I/ O ports. Simple Embedded C programs for LED Blinking, Control of
motor using switch and temperature sensor for Arduino board.
Cloud computing and Data analytics: Introduction to Cloud storage models -SAAS, PAAS, IAAS.
Communication APIs, Amazon web services for IoT, Skynet IoT Messaging Platform.
Introduction to Data Analytics for IoT – Apache Hadoop- Map reduce job execution workflow.
IoT Product Manufacturing – From prototype to reality: Business model for IoT product manufacturing,
Business models canvas, Funding an IoT Start-up, Mass manufacturing – designing kits, designing PCB,3D
printing, certification, Scaling up software, Ethical issues in IoT- Privacy, Control, Environment, solutions
to ethical issues.