Welcome Intelligent Minds


Welcome Intelligent Minds 😎

We all at some point wish to know a few things that will help us in the long run of engineering. Agreed?

Now, we have it for you. 

Find yourself comfortable and start reading “useful” advises. 🙂 

Let us know what you feel and hey remember we are always here to solve your professional obstacles.

So, we were back of our friends/Your seniors from each department to answer the below question properly by digging their minds.

1) What is that one thing you suggest for juniors to follow that will be fruitful to him/her in the journey of engineering?

2)One thing to avoid or stay away from for 4 years.

1)According to my knowledge, I feel being productive(internships, projects, coding skills etc) matters, as per my experience with interviews these were what aimed by them to hire someone.

2)I feel not to mug up on things just read with some sense in a tactful way.



~Fouziya Begum(CSE)


Bring up ur academic score to the max as much as possible. They do matter for 2 things, firstly to get in high package company placement criteria and to get in good University (they prefer high score students then students wid high GRE score, I know coz I have been to one of the seminars).
So to get your scores up DO NOT take internals lightly and score as much as possible out of 30.

2) Don’t indulge in too much fun. Take baby steps and move forward to your future plans accordingly. Basically don’t prioritise FUN over OPPORTUNITIES.



1)Don’t just blindly follow the system, there are way more opportunities in this 21st century especially in India itself!

*If you have interest in some particular field, go ahead, take the risk, don’t take too much of time in implementing any idea!

*18-30 yrs is the age when you can take any amount of risk and build a successful career out of it!

*These 4 years would be the best time of your life to learn, unlearn and develop a strong mindset for your upcoming years.

2)*The one thing which you shouldn’t do:

“Don’t study for marks”
75% and above in engineering enough instead use that time in learning new skills!


~Mohammed Anas(CSE)

Don’t close the concept only with class/book knowledge..explore different resources as well

Be punctual. Discipline begins with punctuality

P.S. Give equal importance and time to Deeni ILM(Islamic knowledge) as well 🙂



1) Having 2 best friends and building hundreds & thousands of network is crucially significant.

It is completely OKAY if you don’t know that answer. The one who answered hasn’t done any PhD in that subject. We are all on the same page.

Always tell yourself
You are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem and SMARTER than you think!

2) Never mess with any lecturer.


~Mona Thahmeen(CSE)




1. Have faith in Allah because no matter how much you try you can’t change or do something unless it’s his will, try to offer prayer irrespective of place, and beg to him for success and happiness.
2. Be the person who will bring a smile on people’s face when they see you.
* Attitude: have a positive attitude towards learning.
* Priority: marks should never be your priorities, for me, it was making memories.
* Interest: Do things that interest you. Follow your dreams not others dreams.
* Have faith and confidence in yourself: Keep telling yourself that you can do it, be positive always.
* Keep pushing yourself
* Be humble to everyone, help anyone who is required of it and search for opportunities to learn from others.

* Overconfidence: most dangerous thing.
* Don’t rush your timeline: everything has a time, be patient.
* Don’t compare yourself with others
* Don’t go for marks
* Learn don’t study
* Don’t hesitate to ask for help
* Don’t hurt anyone, it will come back to you someday

From a professional point of view,
There is a lot of requirement for DEVELOPERS, anyone can become a Tester or RF,
Being for a CSE background you need be a DEVELOPER.

~Syed Saqlain(CSE)

1. There are many things which are to be told but the most important which I find is regarding the gap between the job profiles and our education system.

We all study to get a job, But what we are studying doesn’t reflect in the job requirements. Our education system is conventional and we are unaware of the things which we should know to face the competitive world. I suggest them to do some job oriented courses parallelly with their regular Engineering course.

2. One thing to avoid is not to avoid the opportunities coming to you. Many times, We all confused with what all come to us and due to that dilemma, we try to skip it. Remember, every chance brings the brightness in a dark box and an attempt towards it is better than giving up. Many times you may not know what can suit you best. So in that situation, ask suggestions from the seniors and the faculty. They are experienced than you and can show you the best possible solution for your problems.

Thank you
Mohammad Abdul Basheer

First of all, I would suggest to think innovatively and be optimistic about the future!
In this heavy growing world, it is important to be technologically Innovative because traditional methods don’t work in this era.

If the aim is quite simple like getting a good job and living life happily ever after, then I would suggest following a path which includes mastering any programming language like Java or Python(especially python), though in our academics we have c or c++ but comparative python and Java are powerful after mastering the language next step is that, one should learn Data Structures and Algorithms, these are the basic thing one requires.

Next step comes into the picture where we have to decide our stream in which we want to pursue career i.e. Web development, data Science etc.
And In the upcoming day’s it’s all about data science and Machine Learning. Studies estimate that by the end of 2025 there gonna be 1 lakh jobs in India in data science and AI.
Apart from this, we can opt DevOps.

While learning, it’s important to improvise and polish our skills for that I would stress to do competitive programming on various platforms like CodeChef, Hackerrank, Topcoder.etc
Every platform has it’s own advantage, on hackerrank one can master skills in languages and implementation of algorithms whereas in CodeChef we will head into ultimate problem solving which requires basic mathematics, permutation and combinations, combinatorics etc, we will get into real challenges and real projects
In the end, skills make sense, if we possess better skills many are waiting out there to hire us and for kind information, the basic pay of data scientist is 8L-12L per annum. That’s all for now.

If we want to choose another path i.e some sought of business or becoming an entrepreneur
Then I would suggest to find true passion and work on it. You have two paths, either work for yourself i.e which you feel passionate about because when you are passionate about something, there is no looking back.
And another one is work for the society, i.e. Solve someone’s problem and earn through it.
If you don’t have these two, then it’s of no use.
We may start and we may reach some point but we will be stuck and become stagnant and we will never grow if we don’t find our true passion.
In between start studying business books, like rich dad poor dad, think and grow rich etc. Make a habit of reading books. Attending the seminars, travelling to new places and interacting with new people can give you exposure and in this process, we will figure out and reach our destination.

What not to do :
Don’t study for marks.
Avoid backlogs.

Note: everyone says that in order to achieve something, you need to stay motivated, brave etc. But I think one should completely break. Because the things which break will mould into the best version of us!


1. Doing projects and participating in hackathons
2. Stay away from procrastination

~Kiran IT

Well, first of all, consider Enggering as a privilege that only some ppl get. Think of it as paying back to oneself as well as society.
Then the second thing is never trying to showoff especially in studies if not confident abt it cuz it may cause serious damage in the future
And just try to learn and do things passionately. Try to know the roots of the subject
Focus is the main point. Always aim for the goal
And the most important thing positivity cuz positivity gives oneself confidence and always try to help others as it lets you grow😊
The final conclusion is the ultimate determination and care
Stay away from negative thoughts.
And plz bhai time waste karne k chakkar me mat pado.

~Khair Unnisa Naaz(CSE)

My suggestion to my juniors would be to have a clear idea of what they want to do in future either MS or job and start gradually moving into that direction.

The important thing is to focus on the core subjects much more than what is in your curriculum. If you are from a computer background, you need to focus on your programming skills and it is something you can excel by practising. If you learn something new try to do a project on it no matter how small it is, but make sure you learn something from it. Lastly, enjoy what you doing and ultimately everything will fall into the right place. All the best!

I think one should avoid being introvert and explore every bit of engineering life. Avoid bad company and choose your friends wisely.


1. Be more interactive, stop hesitating. If you have a doubt ask it. Be curious.
Take part in a lot of clubs, do at least one project each semester. Try various domains of CS to figure out what your forte is.
Try to publish research papers (must if aiming for Masters)
There will be multiple times where you’ll be blank and you won’t know how to begin but just pick up a course or pick up a problem and try to solve it or something. Also, 4 years will get over in a minute and you won’t even realize, so act fast and act smart.

2. Don’t get carried away by “freedom” (usually people after Chaitanya – Narayana life tend to let loose)
it’s a waste of time. These four years are what majorly contribute to your character development, so focus on your Skillset and your profile. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t enjoy but just think wisely.
Also, Friends are temporary. (people are temporary lol)


1. Self-learning: Focus on learning new things on your own and evolve. Curriculum and college will hardly focus on new technologies.

2. Avoid:
Don’t let your failures decide your future. Things might not always be as you want it to be. Stay motivated and work hard despite the failures.

~Syed Hussain(CSE)

1) don’t run behind marks. Believe it that you can be a topper and still remain jobless at the end of engineering and u can be an average student but actually gain practical knowledge to prove your talent and ultimately get hired. U can do both too and that’s well and good. But make sure to ace something. It can be something as small as a few practical engineering concepts to mastering a programming language. It can be that you end up getting a job without knowing much but that’s not going to help you in the long run.

2) Don’t rely on your friends too much. By this I mean, don’t join/ participate/ take interest in something that u see your friends doing and don’t shy away from doing things that actually hold your interest even if your friends find it dumb or lame. You will find people who share your enthusiasm along the way.

Ayesha Manzoor


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2 thoughts on “Welcome Intelligent Minds”

  1. I would like to share my views regarding this, firstly choose your domain on which you will be working on in future that can make much difference in contrast to your fellow beings who are still beating round the bush. Domain in essence (Programming Lang: java, c,c++,python,javascript..so on).
    Start learning new skills that can embrace your portfolio. You can prefer popular learning platforms like (udemy,edx,coursera,sololearn)

    Basically you need to master in particular domain so that it can encourage you. Dont follow what your toppers do. Every one got there own hidden talent let it prosper when time come.

    Hope You Are Clear With This, If Any Queries Do reach Admin for my Contact. #316

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